On a crystal clear day in the fall of 1994, Tom Whitaker was driving his pickup truck across Midway Lane. Ben Quinters and Kim Cutler were working some colts and had stopped to have a chat. Tom pulled over and joined them. During the conversation that ensued, all three admitted to having a few Cowboy Poems up their sleeve. Tom suggested that they pool their talent, invite a few other local musicians and poets and have a “Cowboy Poetry Gathering.” The Town Hall in Midway was reserved for the first weekend in November. Brent Kelly was asked to M.C. the evening and John Burns and his family cooked up some dutch oven chili. In fact, the dutch oven dinner was five bucks and the entertainment was free. Some posters were stuck around town, poems were brushed up and they all waited for the night.

Ben, Kim , and Tom weren’t sure if 15 or 50 would show up. When 250 people came, and more chairs had to be drug out from under the stage, they knew they had provided something the town was looking for! It grew each year until the town hall wouldn’t hold any more people and the gathering was moved to Wasatch High School. Heber’s gathering is now attracting people from all across the country and has become a premier event in the state of Utah.


Ted Caldwell

Brent Kelly
Executive Board 

Mary Kelly

Diane Pope

Jessica Broadhead
Marketing & Event Mgr.

Jeff Smith
Heber City Council

Mark Nelson
Wasatch County Council, Heber Valley Railroad

Tom Hansen
Wasatch County Schools

Lisa Orme
Midway City, Zermatt Shows

Dallin Koecher
Tourism and Development

Shelly Olsen
Community Rep, Hospitality

Joel and LuAnn Kohler
WOW Women of Wasatch, Staff Hospitality

Janet Carson and Nancy Daybell

Brent and Jean North
Memberships, Info

Scott and Belle Rhees, Colleen Bonner, Dan and Teresa Armed, Drexel Davis
Hospitality Committee

Ken McConnell
Chuckwagon Stage

Doug and Diane Pope
Cow Camp Stage, Emcee, Executive Board

Glade and Kathy Symes
Senior Groups

Casey Zillig and Adam Jenkins
Setup, Stages, Tear Down

Nancy Wade
Cowboy Kickoff Show

Mike Thurber, Ken Evans and Nate Cox

Garth Rasband
Tax Consultant

Kathy Carr
Selection Committee

Mike Kirkwood, JoLynne Kirkwood
Tombstone Stage, Selection Committee

Gary, Brenda, Justin, Amanda and Jason Carlile
Buckaroo Fair Vendors

Susy Epperson
Mountain Men Traders

Nick and Julee Nichols
Cowboy Auction

Cary Hobbs
VIP Campfire Stage/ PR/Schools

Kevin Koyle and Richard Tree
Mounted Horseman Association

Hoyt Atkinson

Beverly Jones

Lynnie Casper
Open Mic/Roundup Stage

Hayley DeJong and Linzee Bonner
Buckaroo Ball, Dance Class & Competition

Stephen Watts
Insurance, Transportation

Tim Tanner
Main Stage Manager

Kody Clyde, Malcolm Rose and Matt Zierenberg
FFA, Setup & Takedown

Richard Boulter

Tim and Lisa Graham
CD Sales

Richard and Carol Bonner
Tom’s Cabin

Edith Mair
Ticket Taker

Ignition Creative Group
Marketing, Print Media

On Your Marketing
Marketing, Digital Media

Tom and Marilyn Fowler
Finance, Souvenirs, Soldier Hollow

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